一、澳洲悉尼 哪里可以吃到最好的鲍鱼



02/Quay Restaurant


03/Wildfire Restaurant & Bar


04/Otto Ristorante



05、Flying Fish Restaurant & Bar

Flying Fish

Restaurant &





呵呵 。楼主在悉尼吗



我自己曾经住在burwood和ashfield等等地方 只要在火车站附近 几个有名的华人区都是大大小小的餐馆

我自己最喜欢的是金世界 在burwood的burwood rd,也是广东餐馆,味道很好很好很好!~~~hoho!~~~~


ashfield的就更多了 只不过很多是上海菜

看你喜欢什么了 如果喜欢Korean restaurant,那么就去campsie或strathfield吧,日韩的餐馆都在那里

哦 还有 aurburn,RSL CLUB的自助餐超赞 十几块钱很多选择的!~~~~~



三、求 澳大利亚(最好是悉尼的)一些酒店,娱乐场所的英文介绍

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.

6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.

But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen.Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.

The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,is beautiful.

The Domain is a large grassy area east of Macquarie St which was set aside by Governor Phillip for public recreation. Today it is used by city workers for lunchtime sports and as a place to escape the bustle of the city. On Sunday afternoons, it's the gathering place for impassioned soapbox speakers, who do their best to entertain or enrage their listeners. It is also the venue for free events held during the festival of Sydney in January and the popular Carols by Candlelight at Christmas. The Art Gallery of New South Wales is in the northeast corner of the Domain. It has excellent permanent exhibitions of Australian, European, Japanese and tribal art, and has some inspired temporary exhibits.

The Royal Botanic Gardens encompass Farm Cove, the first bay east of Circular Quay, and include the site of the colony's first vegetable patch. They contain a magnificent collection of South Pacific plant life, tropical displays in the Arc and Pyramid glasshouses, and a beautiful, old-fashioned formal rose garden. The spectacularly located gardens are a favoured spot for family picnics and wedding photographs.

Darling Harbour

This huge waterfront tourist and leisure park comprises walkways, gardens, museums, an aquarium, convention centre, casino, eateries and shops. It was once a thriving dockland area, but it declined to the level of an urban eyesore before being reinvented as Darling Harbour in the 1980s by a combination of vision, planning, politicking, forbearance and huge amounts of cash. The emphasis is on casual fun and enjoyment of the kind appreciated by families with small children and coach tourists. The highlights are the Sydney Aquarium, the Australian National Maritime Museum, the water sculpture, the Chinese Garden, the massive IMAX cinema, and the nearby Powerhouse Museum, Sydney's most spectacular museum.


坐落于环形码头,不论您是商务出差还是休闲旅游悉尼朗廷酒店The Langham Sydney都是理想的下榻之处。离这最近的是温亚地铁站,距离仅700m。附近很多景点,包括悉尼天文台Tactical Fitness和S.H. Ervin画廊都离酒店不远。 所有极具特色的客房都配备有熨衣设备房内保险箱和空调,让您感受到更加贴心细致的入住体验。电热水壶和咖啡壶茶壶可供使用,便捷的客房设施定能让您倍感舒适。倘若您在忙碌的一天后想在自己的客房内放松,提供拖鞋24小时热水和浴缸的客房浴室是不错的选择。酒店内设中餐厅和西餐厅,供应各种美食。可以去酒店大堂吧,舒适的环境,可供您休憩放松。如果您喜欢安静的用餐,酒店可以提供房间送餐服务。如果您觉得在入住饮食方面仅限于此,那不妨去看看附近The Rocks Cafe西餐Quay西餐和Prime Steak Restaurant西餐络绎不绝的人流吧!Bluebry Chz CakeSaltwater poached chicken,cabbage stem pickles, seaweed, lotus seed, smoked eggplant cream, Oscietra caviar和coffee分别是每家为您精心推荐的美食。 室内游泳池让闲暇时间更加充实,按摩室让悠闲时光更加完美。酒店的会议厅和商务中心提供优质服务,是众多商旅客选择入住这里的原因。工作人员可根据旅客需要安排接机服务。酒店为所有入住客人提供停车场。 以上信息来自




不过澳大利亚自己就有一套很权威的餐厅评分标准,是Good Food Guide的厨师帽评分。需要注意的是,澳大利亚有两个比较出名的食评组织,一个是Good Food Guide,一个是AGFG(Australian Good Food & Travel Guide),两个的评分标准都叫厨师帽。这个就很尴尬了,是谁在模仿谁?其实两个的起源完全不同:Good Food Guide是一个澳洲本地的组织,自创了“hat”评分系统,三个“hat”为最高。而AGFG则是模仿法国高特米鲁(Gault & Millau)的评分方式,从六个方面评判餐厅后一个总分,在12到19分之间,然后根据不同的分数给1到4顶厨师帽。

在澳洲当地Good Food Guide更具公信力一些。我看了二者的获奖餐厅列表,其实基本大同小异。比如今年在Good Food Guide获3顶帽子的餐厅有以下6家:











The Bridge Room

Momofuku Seiobo

Vue de Monde


这几家自然都是澳洲的顶级餐厅。传奇厨师,极致美味,当然价格就不怎么可爱了且要提前几个月预定。我很好奇如果米其林来澳洲,三星会不会也给这几家餐厅?因为其实Good Food Guide和AGFG都是特别鄙视米其林评分的,觉得太过标准太过模式化。这两个组织都是自诩鼓励厨师创新、愿意为创新菜品打高分而不希望厨师只是按照模式生产的人。所以他们的推荐中会有很多fusion餐厅(澳大利亚本身也是全世界做fusion做得最好的地方之一,与这里移民众多文化融合且注重创新不无关系)。而米其林最重视的反而是菜品质量的统一和一致,所以有时候会有点无聊。也不知道到时候如果它真来澳洲会受到多少欢迎。

当然现在你还是可以靠Good Food Guide和AFGF选择餐厅的。Good Food Guide最近刚出了新书,2018年的最新指南,在官网上能买到。其实我觉得这个组织也太传统了,重要内容都放在书里,在网站上只能查看全部获奖餐厅列表,没有任何评论。真是逼我买书,太不好了。不过如果你不想买,直接在 这里 看餐厅列表也行。

反而是AFGF更数字化一些,官网上就有所有餐厅的评分和点评。可以点 这里 查看。



金唐海鲜酒家--Golden Century Seafood Restaurant

提起金唐,名气在悉尼简直是无人不知无人不晓。这家餐厅以海鲜为主,无论是龙虾刺身,还是鲍鱼火锅,或是可供8人享用的澳洲皇帝蟹,金唐都是首选! 地址:393-399 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000.电话 9212 390

金海酒家 Golden Harbour Restaurant

粤式早茶/午茶首选!同样位于悉尼唐人街,推荐点心:虾饺,韭菜饺,豆苗饺,肠粉,排骨,皮蛋瘦肉粥!价格中等,30块澳币就能吃饱,是我周末常去的地方。       地址:31-33 Dixon Street, Sydney NSW 2000.电话 9281 0290

德记烧腊饭店 BBQ King Restaurant

想品尝一流港式烧腊,当属唐人街德记!店面不是很大,大部分是take away,但味道一流,人流络绎不绝,由于生意太好,老板于前几年被留学生绑架,曾轰动一时!这里可以算是味美价廉了,一份套餐,十多块澳币而已,强烈推荐叉烧和烧鸭! 地址:8-20 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000. 电话 9267 2433

水井坊四川酒楼 Red Chilli Sichuan Restaurant 想吃川菜,就来这家酒楼吧,虽然味道不比国内正宗,可在澳州也算是首屈一指了。他们家也有火锅,不过不如山城,所以还是点菜吧!他们家还有陈年的水井坊白酒,价格可以用天价形容,真不知道有没有人买过,各人民币上万元!
